The Hampshire Group is under the umbrella of the Hardy Plant Society (HPS). Membership to the Hampshire Group is open to all members of the Hardy Plant Society which you can join on-line at

Hardy Plant Society

Hampshire Group

The Hardy Plant Society as well as providing the insurance for our local Hampshire Group activities offers some very worthwhile benefits

The annual subscription is £17 for a single membership or £19 for a joint (two members at the same address) membership.

The Hampshire Group offers a varied programme of events throughout the year including:

  • Monthly meetings, from Sept-June with guest speakers
  • Three Newsletters a year
  • Garden Visits to Members' Gardens
  • Plant Sales
  • Coach and Holiday trips to gardens and specialist nurseries

How to Join

It is very simple to join the Hampshire Group once you are a member of the national Hardy Plant Society. Please fill in the Membership Form below. The cost for 2023 is £8 for a single and £12 for a joint membership (two members at the same address). Details for payment, either by Bank Transfer, Cheque or Standing Order are on the Membership Form. If you would like to pay by Standing Order please use the Standing Order Form.

Memberships are renewable on the 1st January each year. A member joining after the 1st July will have an 18 month membership.


Membership Form





Standing Order Form