This is an opportunity to listen to some first class speakers, who are experts in their fields, without having to travel.

The Zoom Meetings cost £3 for Hampshire HPS (HHPS) members and £6 for visitors (per registration).

For Hampshire HPS Members please fill in the form below and arrange payment.

To attend  either or both of the Zoom Talks as a visitor, please fill in the form below. If you can pay by bank transfer that would be helpful as we now have to pay bank charges on cheque transactions. If this is not possible add a message to the contact form below asking for details for paying by cheque.

Once we have received your payment, we will send you a link and details of how to join the meeting.

Bank Details for transfer:

Please reference the transfer with your Name + Zoom

The Hardy Plant Society Hampshire Group
A/C 82004666
Sort Code 40-42-18

Please fill in the form below indicating which talks you would like to attend.